So I’m doing my thing & adding people on social media. Cuz we’re on the World Wide Web ! So I added this lil troll of a girl, she started insulting me ! Calling me names mine you we never ment I don’t know her. She had all this build up hate & animosity towards me. So I told her little ass to grown up! She went on me calling me more names & screen recording my page. Funny on my page I was just expressing envy.
I am noticing how much hate women have for other women and how young it starts. Its really sad that women hate each other so much to the point they wish to destroy other women with their words or actions. I personally grew to have a distance and very suspicious relationship with women due to this fact. Women seek out to sleep with other women’s boyfriends and husbands just so they can feel good about humiliating other women ! It’s really diguesting, disturbing and disappointing women are treating each other like this. It’s like as I got older I got the sense of wat envy was I’m noticing it starts off young and strong. I wish I could say what we can do as a society to stop this hate that’s going on. Especially for younger people really girls. The need for constant attention to me is so absurd.
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