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The Beauty Contest šŸ˜’

Writer's picture: Haitian Barbie Haitian Barbie

Iā€™m so over the contest of the new media trends. Give it a break guys be your selves, stop looking for permission to be your self. Women across social media are contestly looking for validation that their should be the choice of lifestyle. So much so that itā€™s going to be the elite new trend. News flash itā€™s not going to be, and why you may wonder ? Well letā€™s just say beauty trends is why women are fighting to be the elite look in the first place. Look where that has gotten us ? Understanding why your look shouldnā€™t be the face of media now. Every persons look should be the face of their own lifestyle not a validation or source of envy or lust. Being your self is actually fun and relaxing because itā€™s effortless!

Whatā€™s more trendy then enjoying life to the fullest ? I guess for some is a angerd audience of nay sayers who disagree with their choices base off envy. If your looking for people to disagree in a envious way, about your happiness your not really happy fyi or maybe not to the fullest. Each occasion really is different, with that being said welcoming haters is a new trend. I always see women saying things to get me mad or anybody who has a compassionate heart. There say silly things that divide women apart. I must say I hate it ! Why must we be cliqued up and divided when we can enjoy the veiw of another communityā€™s? Maybe because some of us are drug addicted to attention. Any bit of attention not being given to us is wasted. So this starts the discontentment of oneā€™s own beauty choices/ lifestyle. The nasty comments about women who live much more different lives. ā€œ Natural beauty is the best beauty any one who alters their beauty isnā€™t attractive any wayā€ Quoted a Instagram user under a viral post about hair styles altering their clients photos. Totally missing the point that women who choose to alter or enhance their beauty is doing it by choice, where as the clients featured in the viral post didnā€™t consent to there pictures being photoshopped! The whole idea of choice is being robbed in each of our lives. People are pushing their agenda on to other people base on what they like to look at or have. To natural women always being nasty on social media about alter style or enhance dramatic looks. To a mutated ideas of beauty being something that always Garners massive amounts of attention. Beauty is in the eye of the be holder. Anybody can get any ones attentions itā€™s about what that person enjoys to look at. Attention doesnā€™t equal beauty and lack there doesnā€™t equal ugly or better neither. Modesty doesnā€™t come with no make and short nails & natural colored hair. As to done up enhanced doesnā€™t equal to being a bad person or stuck up or insecure. Looks are really just looks, I know but what about privileges.

Privileges are just that to be eye candy, the model of the aesthetic for a scene. Pretty privilege isnā€™t something holding any one back in life ! Yeah sorry to break it to you, stop blaming pretty privilege for your social settling problems. Every one has a choice in life to either go where your valued or fight for some one to see your value. The Who idea of the privileges pretty people are anointed arenā€™t for you. Whatā€™s anointed for you will never pass you by. The friends, the lover, social scene and so forth. If your denied entry maybe itā€™s not a denial, but a redirection! To whatā€™s met for you! So you donā€™t have to not be your self !

I can recalled working as a bottle girl in urban night club when I was in my early 20s. I made money, people were nasty to me told me I sounded like I was a valley girl. Which Iā€™m not btw, that isnā€™t my cultured background Iā€™m Haitian. Not only was I extremely missed judged and mistreated there. They wanted to out so bad ! My stubborn idea that they should accept this version of a Afro American got the best of me. I stay a while up in till I knew I just couldnā€™t take the fighting and drama any more. I begun to work other night clubs and found my self happier, appreciated, and admired even ! It dawn on me why didnā€™t I try being a hostess bottle girl here sooner ! Well because I felt so entitled to people accepting me. All that did was rob me from the joyful experiences I couldā€™ve had sooner. So stop being mad that you arenā€™t where you think you belong. Long behold thereā€™s some where for you that you havenā€™t discovered yet due to the discomfort thatā€™s distracting you.

The whole elitism of beauty standards is a distraction from enjoying what your beauty has to offer. I can say people have understood this concept to the point of becoming the abuser. To colorism, plastic surgery, make up, hair enhancements, length of nails, and occupation. Way to often the script gets flips one comes to any ones defends. In colorism black women of darker complexion find it okay to make fun of women of lighter complexion because of the long childhood narrative of light skin girls making fun of them. Reversing the roles isnā€™t solving the issue. In other instances being light being something being considered to be more soft or feminine. Darker complexions being something that is associated will masculine traits. Young light skin boys and even grown men are considered weaker, softer or more emotional. As a deeper complexion women I can attest to the pains of growing up in a deep shade. I remember the not so funny jokes make about my hair and skin tone. As a growing women I came across males who also recall their child hood being the target of bullying due to their fair skin tone. Often being picked on and the go to target for bullying due to the illusion that their were weakest of the males. This developing into hyper violent masculine traits in adult hood. The elitism toxic after math of colorism. The toxic nature of hate, envy, deep desire for attention leads to the lack of empathy mis understanding of plastic surgery. Often more times people are ver vocal about disagreeing with plastic surgery calling it names such as fake, ugly and botched! As well as Associating it with low self worth and self esteem. All to common people voice their hateful energy about some one elseā€™s choice about what they done to their bodyā€™s. Some may try to mask it as a concern they have regarding oneā€™s health. Well know itā€™s not true, because of it was shade and nasty comment wouldnā€™t have been said. Fully capable of increasing the said ā€œ low self worth and self esteemā€. The exposure of their character is really showed in how hateful they enjoy in their expressions. Equally exposing their true intention and envy about the attention plastic surgery is receiving. Some may not desire to enhance their looks with surgery or hair extensions, nail extensions, lash extensions or even makeup. But they hate the attention it gets. They get so jealous of the attempt that some women become what they envy and get so exhausted being someone there not. They stop and create campaigns about how women doesnā€™t want to do any of that stuff any way. Itā€™s society that pressures them to do it, in some circumstances yes the pressure was there and in others it was the deep seeded need to be the center of attention. When their get tired of not only not achieving what they went after with all the changes they done to their selves. But the still battle of not being the center of attention . They begin to project their experince on to other women as a social phenomenon. Itā€™s not, in reality their are women who like the lifestyle beacause it suits them. They love brain wash those women into thinking they were Brian washed into liking something that suited them. Itā€™s this agressive cycle of vanity media abuse. That even bleeds into occupations the anger around sex workers is disgusting. Many of these people donā€™t care about sex workers mental health or physical. They only care that their heavy always being in the spot light of attention. People love to hate the Instagram models, the exotic dancer, bartenders, and social media influencers. Itā€™ actually is their outlet to let out aggression. The majority of all that aggression comes from ā€œ they bearly do anything and gain infamyā€ Attention and being a human attraction should remain just that. The idea to lack empathy, because they are just that is cruel and wrong. Their still human, their just humans who have large auras and with attractive energyā€™s. With that being who they are we are still who we are that will always be enough for all the adventure met to be enjoyed in our lives !

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