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💅🏾Temptation & Seduction Can lie along Friendships 🍷 X Nosy Followers 🚶‍♂️

Writer's picture: Haitian Barbie Haitian Barbie

Social Media Love, how do you express your relationship status on the world wide web?

🌝 How Do you like to keep Your Relationship status on social media ?

A) No face Lovers 🌚

B) Single on Social media relationship real life 👿

C) Wearing my WHOLE HEART on my sleeve ? 🥰

D) Single Real life & Social media ! ✨

🌝 Feel free to choose wat best matches you and tell me WHY ! ⤵️ Below

🌚The truth is: Women can be spiteful créatures. Women often like to hide the men their dating in the internet from other woman to protect their relationship. They do this by taking photos of their bfs with no faces. The reason why women don’t like showing other women bfs is that the other woman will find their bfs and start flirting with them. Yes person can trust their bf, he can in fact reject her that is wat should happen whether or not she’s protects him! The point is to avoid giving her the acess to him. Within this post a woman wants to know who her new boo is, within the next few post on the is networking app, they found him and prove to her that they seen his face. Now it seems to me that’s nosy, spiteful & uncalled for. She clearly didn’t want to share his face for a reason.

In other instances, men and woman with sugar coat that they are just friends. When in reality their friends with relationship Benefits or romantic strings attached. That’s not really a friend now is it ? Women will play along and say yeah and his friend or his best friend. Their was this woman telling me I was silly to think so. Matter fact I was dating a guy who had told me 2 of the women were hanging out with were his friends one was his ex lover and another was his side piece. The side piece shut the door in my face and acted like she didn’t mean too. Moral of the story is they can both be playing along under your nose. Moral of the story is women keep men in their back pocket later when sometimes their friend zoned. Moral of the story is it’s cruel games in womanhood. There’s reasons why woman like my self and her go by different lifestyles. It’s to protect our selves from cruel woman who rather smile in your face and like your pictures while trying or getting at the guy your with under your nose. It’s about not being naive to thinking that their just friends and thinking that when you post him th won’t be jealous or looking to sleep with him because their lonely. Or hurt by the experiences in the pass so their way of expressing it is sleeping with married men and borrowing woman’s bfs for fun, because they believe a man will cheat on them so they rather be the woman doing the cheating and feeling like taking something away from a another woman is justice. It really grind my gear how I was looked at foolish one because I didn’t trust the world ! I wouldn’t give the world an opportunity to get a pass at my man wether I trust him or not ! As simple as that why give them the upper hand why set ur self up for a situation to be catty with a woman who only wishes to destroy any sight of healthy love because she doesn’t believe she’ll have it. I also think it’s time to be transparent. For some relationships, maybe you don’t trust ur partner in every scénario. That’s okay, life’s not prefect there’s no reason to act like protecting what’ you love is wrong. So no, I won’t side with the people who want to hunt down wat some girls mama looks like and no I won’t side to the women who think saying I’m just his friend is gonna slide with me. I’m going to live a lifestyle where I believe is appropriate base off the pass lesson I learned being naive.

Addition side note as well, we know men be playing the Im just a friend card too. I’ve been dating seriously a man in the pass as my bf and I’ve rejected men’s advancements and the next 2 things that typically come out their mouth is I can be your friend or has he put a ring in it yet.

If a man asked a woman out she tells him I have a bf and he says I can be a friend only means he knows he can work his way out the friend zone and into where he wants to be. Which sounds like grounds for I’ll wait till you are comfortable to cheat. So we can all say I’m not being foolish. I know the tricks of the Babylon whores.

I always say no, I’m not looking to be his friend Temptation and seduction yes indeed a hides under the coat of friendship !

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Abba Kara
Abba Kara
Dec 31, 2021

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