I was searching through my older blogs. Came across this one I wrote back in July. I was amazed at my self at how poetic I am. I often enjoy reading older blogs to give my self hope about the current reality’s i face and give me faith on the future, it’s always postive to hear how much I’m growing and how much I’ve grown ! It happens to quickly, sometimes I forget to stop and give my self a thank you & a pat on the back. Ever more renewing my life to be more of all i am growing to be all the holy in me grows to be, sweet essence embodies me 🦢✨🤎
“ Ever more flesh has gotten the a piece of me. A piece of me that need to be express and released. I want to releases the chain society has over my neck and waist to be their puppet. I want to break away from the chain hung up to the walls of people who only wish to for me as they choose over my life. I wish to escape the limits I made for my self out of insecurity and “Comfort. “ I choose to free my self as I have the lock and they key as I have the power over me ! As I breathe breath in my life and speak greatness in my words. I am no one puppet, I am no one whore or hookers to be made fun of. I am all that I am made to be and growing to be. A beautiful essence of a piece of the holy. I wish for every one all existence in his creation to open their heart and feel the same. That’s a choice not made to me, everything every us is made in a balance wether we agree or understand it or not. Life is carefully planned truly is, I came on here to today to express my self best I can. To release fears and puppet ideologies that drove the direction of my life . I remade my self into the person God has always wanted me to be the person God has choose me to be in this time in this life in this very body and essence of soul. I reclaim life over my existences. I reclaim energy over my emotions, I reclaim power over my body. I reclaim beauty over my sanity. I am me i vow to only be me as I am met to be. As God made me to be . I go on without fear I go on with direction I go on with anything but myself and the faith I have in God. I let loose all that I may think needs to be and allow all that is to be. Amen 🧿 “