🎤 I remembering going to Amity Ville Music Hall for thé 1st time due to an invitation by my long time friend Musical Artist Trap Fly. I absolutely loved his stage performance ! he had the crowd captured with his aura !
In supporting him and all the artist my networking circle grew ! I was delighted to work the Danny Blanko & star in his music video for his up coming song icarly ! I enjoyed my self on the shoot ! I found my self in a déjà vu when Breezy thé Director mention a year ago they were just speaking & imagining doing music videos here they are on set doing a music videos. I felt the same “ahh” as they did. I’m so happy & expressing how ur dreams are truly seeds that do grow ! With each little step ur truly closer to ur dreams.
🎥To me it seems like life is a interesting way of making your goals with one another together especially when ur goals are aligned with the people you surround your self with, support, & network with ! Follow Your Dreams, they may even be Right AHEAD of YOU !
Follow The Patreon for Early Releases & Also Photos 🎞