I had more expired relationships den new ones developing. A relationship is easier to expire den to grow so it’s only natural this doesn’t have the ideal balance of a cycle of grown & decay. I am coming to terms to have joy in old relationships not renewing🥶 sounds whoa! I used to be the person who was holding on to failing friendships. Now I am not, now I embrace the new & release the old. A friend of mine asked about a old child hood friend of mine, if we still talked I told her no proudly. In fact I’m getting my gears grinder when people ask me about my 2 child hood friends.......You like to know how THEIR doing ask them ur self ! So annoying I dnt like it, plus in most instances people have heard a ear full of lies on there behalf. Only wish to cycle nonsense over to them so they still feel important. So I dnt play into that silly mess of he said she said wats the truth? If you wanna know the truth you can ask, not play detective nosey drama stater. 🥸 They often don’t ! They just 🙂 “ask about the person “ So ask. 🌚 I’ll tell you their alive just as you already know ! This particular friend of mine asked me about my child hood friend of mine I told her flat out we’re not friends I don’t care that we’re not either ! She found it a bit sad, I didn’t I was sad a while ago about for a while at that, not any more! Relationship expire that’s okay, to let go of things, people, energy & even life styles that no longer serve its purpose any more. I was very relived to announce how much I just didn’t care ! I cared for much to long ! I cared even when she thought it was okay to slander my name & put my business out. Now I dnt care !! I dnt care !! So much I want to be left alone, it’s like a friendship to them was a joke in the end something that can feed their ego full of drama I wish not to be a part of. One of them is stalking me crazy! To talk shit to another, den she tags me in her post to show off her life. As if I cared to know wats going on !
I don’t ! I am very happy our friendships have expired. It’s time for me to grow into the steps of who I am met to be. Yes their were holding me back, with friendly bullying telling me I wasn’t good enough to purse certain skills. That isn’t healthy, now that their out my life I can purse all my dreams ! With out judgement or discouragement. I’m able to build & expland my brand with out fake jokes about failure. Nothing is happiness & smiles about joking that a person will fail. It isn’t funny, will nver be. Any one who gives those jokes are manifesting a demon on ur path in ur journey ! That person is to be removed just as the demon was was place its to be removed as the same. These expired friendships have removed a lot of blocks, demons, false failure, and negative energy out my life ! Out my career !
These people would discourage me from singing & dancing. When I would sing they ask me to leave it to the artist instead of me expressing my voice. That inter developed a insecurity, wining a battle to over come. My new group of people who are attracted to me love my singing voice push me to do better to grow, instead of saying to leave it alone or to some one else. Don’t let ur child hood friends rob you of ur gifts & dreams. Don’t let old energy prevent you from enjoying welcoming new energy. If something is to let go, let it go allow the universe & God to remove wat should not be in ur life. On other note, maybe they need to be removed out ur life as well, because they need to do better. If they cnt be happy for you maybe that’s a sign they need to be some where else to heal to remove the demon that allows them to cast that negative energy. Let jealous people go in a result they may heal their soul their hurt, Or their projected insecurity’s. I’m going to keep this blog of my child hood friends up to date. I hope they can eventually allow me to grow & be at peace that they don’t have the will to stop me ! When they had the words to discourage me these words don’t affect me any more!! I’m align with the power of manifesting my dreams not counting on the courage of any ones else’s, but my own ! Only welcoming energy that’s to help me evolve. 🌔
🌟The journeys infinite 💫