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Changes 🕰

Writer's picture: Haitian Barbie Haitian Barbie

I enjoy taking long walk and simulating my mind. On my walk I notice packages on every ones porch and cameras on almost every house. Mask being worn inside cars. In this day and age we have so much changes going on. One is protecting our selves, the idea of safety has been Challenged. People fear porch pirates, when has that ever been a thing ? Welcome to the new millennium ! It’s a millennium thing, so many changes unfolded so quickly ! It’s insane to think I was just 7 and shopping online was so taboo. The only places that had CCVTV would be high end stores. Mask were only worn by surgeons. In this new day and age protecting ones self is more then a trend is a natural instinct. It’s protecting ones self form more den wat seen it’s the “ unseen”. It’s sorta hard to believe how much has change in 15 years ! Gosh my 1at cell phone was a flip phone with a key board. You had to buy a ringtone, now every one had the same classic ring tone. We all look around to each other asking if it’s me are you ! Change is truly Inevitable it is, and it can be very positive. It can be also difficult to swallow. I wanted to note all the changes I actually breathed in while walking. I was both amazed and disspointed in the changes I noticed. I want to return or exchange the idea of the need to add a instinctual habit of having to protect our selves. I want to have song as ring tones. I want to see every one beautiful face ! I know I’m not the only one who misses seeing faces. I love looking at noses. I miss looking at noses, a nose willl tell you a lot of some ones ethic back round. I know change is needed and changes are to be. Can we change and see each other faces ? Can we change and trust to leave our package on our door steps ? Can we change and know it’s our phone that’s ringing ? I’m aware the world is changing faster then I am able to freaking tell ! I’m trying to catch up ! I really am lol.

I open a bank account with a main stream bank and they introduced depositing money into the ATM with my freaking Phone! I was both shock and amazed at the new age. We are living in different times now. I’ve been made aware of it. Sometimes I enjoy shutting off the world trends and siting and playing with wat I know. I enjoy being a custom to wat I know. It’s come to my attention the world isn’t waiting for me to catch up. I’m in the groove of catching up where I feel need be. I feel as if I grown and got cozy siting behind the trends and inventions.


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