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🦢Excuses X flowers 🌸

Writer's picture: Haitian Barbie Haitian Barbie

When will women give another women their flowers ?

I recently caught a ear full of Well know former Love & Hip Hop Star Joséline confronting Wendy Williams. My my my ! May I say I felt the urge to confront Wendy my self. Gosh if I could name each incident of the women whom choose to be malicious I be naming a list for hours. Women are naturally competitive and comparative creatures really. Some woman take their natural flaws a step further in expressing their tru natural from. I can hear the excuses milk out of Wendy’s mouth to cover her embrassement of her flaws being brought to light. Wendy’s a bully, some one came to her on a very respectful manner to discuss how her bullying is harmful to the community of woman who is in the same industry as her.

I often express my fiddles with women, being so jealous & malicious. It’s consuming to have a energy that doesn’t want other people to win or just succeed. As is success is everyone’s vision alike. Each individual success is different. In that their should be no jealous or treat to that person. I feel as if jealous isn’t only about wat they might have vs wat they might want. I’m beginning to think it’s a matter of power. I believe jealous is a from of express of power. I think wat rules over anything in life is access & power. The 2 go hand & hand. Women often want to be the ones who give you access to success in order to take it away when they feel threaten. When women don’t have that access to another women they begin to shave off another woman sparkles best way they know how. By encouraging false information such as rumors or ideologies. I seen this first hand my self, I distant my self away from women in general. I believe keeping a safe space of my personal life away from females is important. I denial access to whom ever I deem to not have my best interest. I typically rule them out as women. Now in the matters of public success is a different story. One has to have their best courage to not allow any ones false ideologies plant a seed in their psyche. I’m observing life unfold before gently I am becoming more aware of how humans really are. One being the close observation of women. I can see when a woman wants power over me, obedience, or glory. I don’t ever give in, I dnt agree with the obedience of another women to lead me. It’s a from of insecure energy their trying to project on to me through tactics. Such as rumors, bullying, false ideologies, or false perceptions. Their down play your outfits or up play then tell you ur over dressed. Women might find an issue in something you & her both know you done your best on yet claim it as the poorest imperfection. Women will use pet names such as bitch, whore or slut as terms of endearment when in reality she’s curseing over ur existence. It saddens me to see mainstream media display this evident reality. I also wonder if we’re change for the better. To be at peace with others success.

Are you at peace with ur own ? Of not would you be able to be at peace with another persons happiness, success, or accomplishments ?


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